Book Preface

A Passport to God is for people who believe in our Lord but don’t really assume the responsibilities required of them to achieve goals set forth by him. This includes accepting the Bible as truth and living the words inscribed in it. It is also written for those who explore the notion of whether God exists and if so, why does it matter if they know him or not.

A passport is given to individuals who wish to travel abroad. Similarly, this book is about facing the reality of transitioning to another life. Before this is done, a series of steps must be taken before anyone can enter the safety of heaven.
Man can say no to many things. However, living in oneness with God above is not something that they should decline. It is salvation, a permanent refuge they are turning down. This book describes through parables and fables numerous reasons why people should not decline his Grace.
Capable people often misunderstand concepts hidden within the framework of the Bible. Curiously, some even harbor a grudge against it. The most important part of living by the Bible is the promise one makes to God—to be loving, kind, and a true believer in him. This does not include destroying another person’s relationship with God, even if they do not conform to customs or rules set by society or religious institutions.
My opportunity to express the words of God comes through the wind around me. It is the wind of which permeates all living souls. The force behind the wind is always coming in from the window of life. It is open. It gives me guidance. Moses stated that in the beginning, this “wind from God1 swept over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2, NRSV). The wind, God’s presence, will be felt by all mankind through the end. The still of the night is right for me. This time is my time for reflection. It composes me and allows me to scribe stories and to be one with our Lord. This is my role, for our Father has tasked me with this.
The collection of parables and fables is written for every family member from toddler to the eldest. Each story is followed by a brief explanation relating it to present day and many use scripture to validate the Truth. I suggest you read these with others. Talk about the stories and relate them to your present lifestyle. Here are some key questions that as you read, you may be able to answer: Since the Lord creates individuals who have capacity to love, to bring joy to others, why is it we don’t see everyone joyful? Does the body exist for housing the soul or is it just a one-time occurrence on the earth and heaven is no more than a place in a literary marvel? Who or what is causing this terrible disturbance that brings dysfunction to the world today? Many locusts plagued the world at the time Moses was fixing to leave Egypt. What would happen if a swarm came today? Would they reveal the truth that God is near, or would the locusts simply be seen as pests and man would attempt to exterminate them?
Gifts from God come down in ways not expected. Many times, people see or experience things that seem out of the ordinary. These situations are clues from God. He wants everyone to achieve their mission so that they are prepared for the next generation of events to come. Read on and learn about the workings of the Lord and think about how you can achieve your own mission without any delay in the process. See how easy it is if you follow the guidance set forth by the Bible. Gather together and start reading and enjoy these delightful stories of beings with and without souls, the devil, spiritual awareness, after-death, walking the path with the Lord, and how God fulfills the answers.
Join me in exploring why God created this domain here and above. The life and death of man is not important unless you too become one of those who live for today and build for tomorrow. Just keep focus on fulfilling your journey here on earth. Discover how faith plays a vital part and notice how much better you feel as you work living a rich and meaningful life.
A Passport to God explores ideas that relate to the intervention of God in remarkable ways. Please humbly accept my work as it is my privilege to present this book to you. The urgency to follow through in living with the Lord in your heart and mind cannot be underscored enough. I pray you can experience the Lord and ensure yourself an opportunity to rise and be with your friends and family for eternity. Jesus is my special guide, he too can be yours if you so choose. Please join me by reading this book and give yourself up to the Lord. Godspeed and Grace be with you.
 1 Or while the spirit of God or while a mighty wind 

© Copyright 2021 Richard Holmberg. All rights reserved.
