The Book as a Tool

Your voice, whether you speak only to yourself or to a group of people, is important. No matter the thoughts or feelings, it is good to verbalize them and to seriously accept or reject them, especially those that pertain to life with salvation at the finger tips or denying it.
If you plan on reading the book by yourself, please review the one-page, application sheet below. When you read, take the time to reflect on the meaning and carefully note how you feel as you read. If you choose to use this book as an ice-breaker or tool when speaking with others, or in the field as a disciple or missionary, please review and print out the second one-page, application sheet. Try using some of the concrete ideas to resolve concerns or doubts that may arise when reading. 
Remember, people arrive at a foundation of faith through examples. Why not share examples from the stories in A Passport to God? And when you see something that makes you think of God and his works, why not share it with others? 

Peace be with you.

